How can we help?

Get in touch with us for product questions or to find your local distributor.


Talk with our sales team about products and maintenance, or to find your local distributor.

Europe, Middle-East, Americas, Oceania

Jyri Akrenius
+358 40 584 7285

Eastern Europe, Central Asia, China

Marina Chaar
+358 50 564 2992

General inquiries

For other queries, please get in touch with us primarily via email.
+358 9 878 9220

Aerial image of the KT factory in Finland

Find us

Our factory and office premises are located in the Greater Helsinki region.

Visiting address

You can reach us by car within 30 minutes from Helsinki:
Järvihaantie 5, Klaukkala

Postal address

Koneteollisuus Oy
P.O. Box 49
FI-01801 Klaukkala